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Nicholas Andropov is set to abandon his diplomatic mission to France, so he can fulfill his lifelong dream to become an American citizen. From the moment he sets foot on French soil, his carefully laid plans fall apart. He finds himself suddenly on the lam not only from the Russian KGB, but also Interpol, the FBI, and Customs, and all because he used a beautiful blonde as a smokescreen, when he feared he was being watched.

Stephanie Stewart is on her way back to New York after having spent a year as an art student in Paris. As she opens a carefully wrapped going-away present from her boss, she gasps, because she recognizes it as a priceless jeweled box. Stephanie knows she is in trouble. Transporting stolen art across the Atlantic is a crime. But just as she deems everything as hopeless, the stranger from the airport appears at her side. Together they dodge the authorities in a desperate bid to make it to Washington D.C.

For Nicholas it is the end of the line, his dream come true. For Stephanie it is the beginning of the rest of her life... but is it?


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